You are invited to submit proposals for sessions to be presented at an upcoming MEDA event.
As always, the main purpose of MEDA’s events is to bring Michigan’s economic development community together to think big about economic development around the state as well as receive training on need-to-know-today topics.
One of MEDA’s education-based committees will evaluate proposals. They are looking for a wide variety of ideas that are large in Michigan’s economic development climate today.
- Based on the evaluation of proposals by the committee, some presenters may be asked to be part of a panel to allow for multiple presentations on a similar theme.
- The time allowed for oral presentations and facilitated panel discussions, including time for questions and answers, will be around 60 minutes.
- In the interest of time, oral presentation proposals must limit the number of speakers during the 60-minute session to no more than three (3) individuals. Proposals submitted for oral presentation must include the name of the primary author or presenter and the name of the co-authors or co-presenters.
- Proposals for a facilitated panel discussion must include the name of the facilitator or moderator and the names of no more than three (3) individuals on the panel. No additional panelists may be added after the proposal is accepted without the permission of the committee.
- We will do our best to meet the date that you request, but ask that you and your recommended speakers hold all dates of the requested event until confirmed.
The Committee May –
- place the session in a general format (all conference attendees) or a concurrent session format (more than one session at a time, attendees select upon registration).
- modify the submitted title and session description to fit the conference theme.
If the subject matter you would like to propose must have more than 60 minutes or more than three (3) presenters to effectively convey information to the audience, please contact MEDA to discuss it more in depth.
Notification of selections are expected to occur at least 8 weeks prior to a given conference date.
Incomplete proposals will not be considered.